You are at the end of your rope and running on fumes. You are juggling multiple competing roles in life. You want to finish, but you’re feeling overwhelmed, confused, or just burned out on the whole process.
You have the dream to finish and move on to that next opportunity, but can’t seem to find time to write. You know what you need to do, and are ready to start taking action. You just need some help staying accountable.
Your journey to getting your doctorate doesn't need to be riddled with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. The Dissertation Breakthrough program brings you expert coaching from Master Certified Life Coach, Dr. Amy Boyd. Her on-demand sessions will empower you to conquer your insecurities and master your mindset around the dissertation writing process. Let's turn the daunting into doable, together!
Isolation can be a doctoral student's worst enemy. With our program, you won't have to face your dissertation journey alone. Our private community is filled with other women writing their dissertations and working towards their doctorates, all ready to support, inspire and learn together. It's your village of empowerment and inspiration!
Stay motivated and accountable to your writing goals with the Guided Sessions in our Pomodoro Writing Cafe. Whether you're a night owl or an early bird, our virtual writing space is open 24/7. Engage in productive work cycles, make the most of your breaks, and turn your dream dissertation into reality.
In our weekly Community Group Check-in Calls, you get to work through your challenges with a coach and your colleagues, celebrate wins, and proudly announce your goals. It's a space designed to boost your morale, bolster your commitment and keep you moving forward. We understand that tackling a dissertation is challenging - and were not meant to do hard things alone. Our Dissertation Breakthrough program is here to ensure that you don't have to.
Taking focused and consistent action steps to help you meet and exceed your writing goals so you can complete your dissertation!
Finally seeing the finish line in the near future and having a plan to get there!
Overcoming procrastination by making the absolute most out of small pockets of time, making time work for you, not against you!
Having like-minded women also completing their dissertations supporting you, encouraging you, and keeping you accountable to meeting your writing goals!
Dissertation Breakthrough Intensive 8-Months
For scholars who would like weekly private accountability coaching, the Dissertation Breakthrough Community, and more intensive small group support
1:1 Private Weekly Coaching with a Write the Damn Dissertation Coach
Unlimited Coach Email Support
Unlimited Access to Coaches in Our Private Online Community
Private Online Community for Support
Breakthrough Group Coaching Weekly to help manage your mindset around the dissertation writing process released weekly for 12-weeks
Weekly Community Check-In Calls led by coaches in Zoom
Access to the Pomodoro Writing Cafe, open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day (co-writing space)
Live Weekly Coach-Led Coffee Talks held in our Private Community
Monthly APA Writing Lab
Monthly Open Life Coaching with Dr. Amy
Bonus 1: PhD Wellness Summit Recordings
Bonus 2: Empowered Virtual Writing Retreat in February 2024 Videos
Bonus 3: Dissertation Planning Tool Kit
Bonus 4: Onboarding Deep Dive Session
Bonus 5: ‘Think Like a Phinisher’ Writing Resistance Deep Dive Workshop Recording
The Pomodoro Writing Cafe, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Join us for a guided session or a free swim!
Weekly Community Check-In Calls led by a Write the Damn Dissertation Coach!
On-Demand Orientation, and Coaching with Dr. Amy Boyd on Creating milestone goals, Creating your 30-day plan, How to automate your writing habit, and How to manage your mind around the dissertation project.
Introduce yourself to the community and say Hello inside our Circle Community and connect to a support system of other women writing their doctoral dissertations.
Number of Scholars we've helped
through our paid programs
Number of Universities represented by
our clients
Number of Scholars to have participated in our workshops
Dr. Amy's program provides you with a community which helps you feel supported and can really make a huge difference! The tips that they provide on how to organize and how to process your thoughts and feelings are wonderful tools that can continue to be used!
Sometimes the journey to your degree seems long and lonely. Surrounding yourself with a community of women who can share the ups and downs with you--particularly a community with the support and resources like the Write the Damn Dissertation Team--is a huge key to success.
Dr. Amy's program was invaluable as it gave me a community of understanding and supportive women pursuing the same goal. It also added fun, humor, pertinent teachings for personal and professional growth, and encouragement at pivotal moments in the process. Thanking God for meeting all of the amazing future Doctors whom I never would have otherwise had the pleasure of connecting with.
I AM SO grateful I made the investment in myself.
This program has changed how I think about things. I've changed a lot of habits, and being very deliberate about my time. It has been a life-changer and I am grateful.
This program has not just influenced my writing, but has helped me develop a lifestyle that will help me be successful in life!
The sense of community has been the most important part for me. I feel like I have a safety net between me and the abyss. If I fall into it, I know I won't fall forever, and the climb back out won't be a long one.
Awesome Program!
Providing structure to complete tasks, improving my thinking--effectively dealing with destructive and paralyzing thoughts, silencing the "mean girl" within, providing a means to be a part of a "sisterhood"--priceless! I have made great gains on my Literature review, embraced an effective course of action for working on my dissertation, and I adopted a systemic method for controlling my thinking.
I wrote more in 30 days than I had in two years, and I am set for my final defense this spring!
In January of 2020 I spoke to my chair and my husband and made the decision that I had enough. I was going to bow out gracefully... I felt totally defeated and like a failure...This program has not only helped me make incredible progress on my dissertation, but I am more assertive at work. I no longer look at obstacles as problems... I am so glad I took the leap of faith with Dr. Amy a year ago. I have made huge gains in my dissertation, my professional life, and my personal life.
This group gave me exactly what I needed when I needed it most! I felt so completely discouraged. I had no idea that there were other women out there, just like me, who had gotten stuck in their journeys too. Once I knew I wasn't alone, saw their struggles and wins firsthand, I finally let myself believe I could see this through...and I did!
The last 6 months have been an amazing journey with my program sisters. I am in awe of the progress that has been accomplished by the participants. This program was a godsend for me. I will be forever grateful.
"Another semester would have cost twice as much money... My dissertation is now complete and I am scheduled to defend in November"
Amy taught me to silence the inner mean girl and that what I'm doing is the good stuff. Another semester would be twice as much money. Since I met Amy four months ago, I've fully completed two chapters, and I've updated the other three. This is more work than I have done in the last five years. My husband has an inoperable brain aneurism and we are now working through our bucket list. You have given me time, and for that I will always be grateful.
This program has been critical to my success!
I have found community here, purpose, guidance, and direction. Everything has changed. I am writing, I am grounded, I am confident. When I hit a wall, I have the tools to work through it. I can see the way out. Thank you Amy, for everything!
Dissertation Breakthrough Intensive 8-Months
For scholars who would like weekly private accountability coaching, the Dissertation Breakthrough Community, and more intensive small group support
1:1 Private Weekly Coaching with a Write the Damn Dissertation Coach
Unlimited Coach Email Support
Unlimited Access to Coaches in Our Private Online Community
Private Online Community for Support
Breakthrough Group Coaching Weekly to help manage your mindset around the dissertation writing process released weekly for 12-weeks
Weekly Community Check-In Calls led by coaches in Zoom
Access to the Pomodoro Writing Cafe, open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day (co-writing space)
Live Weekly Coach-Led Coffee Talks held in our Private Community
Monthly APA Writing Lab
Monthly Open Life Coaching with Dr. Amy
Bonus 1: PhD Wellness Summit Recordings
Bonus 2: Empowered Virtual Writing Retreat in February 2024 Videos
Bonus 3: Dissertation Planning Tool Kit
Bonus 4: Onboarding Deep Dive Session
Bonus 5: ‘Think Like a Phinisher’ Writing Resistance Deep Dive Workshop Recording
© 2025 Dr. Amy Boyd, LLC